
PRIME - Day 6

"When I see the blood, I will pass over you." - Exodus 12:13


This is one of the most sobering sections in all of the Bible.  But it is also one of the most hopeful.  In Exodus 11 and 12, we read about the final escape from Egypt by Moses and the Israelites, and this is no ordinary escape from captivity...

God tried to get his attention.
You've already read the previous chapters, and you already know about the plagues God used in an attempt to get Pharaoh's attention.  Even after the frogs, and the gnats, and the bloody water, Pharaoh's heart was still hard toward the Lord.  It would take something drastic to get his attention - something we could never imagine.  I pray that you and I never have an attitude of defiance toward God, because he will do whatever it takes to get our attention.  God wants our whole heart - not because he's mean or cruel, but because he wants what's best for us.  A person who is completely committed to God will always have joy.  

The firstborn had to die.
In order for God to get Pharaoh's attention, and in order for salvation to come to the people of Israel, the firstborn had to die.  This is a direct foreshadowing of God's first born son - Jesus Christ - dying for you and me.  Nothing else had brought freedom for the people.  Nothing had gotten Pharaoh's attention.  There was only one thing that could buy freedom for all of the people that God loved so dearly.  I'm so thankful that God sent his perfect, sinless son to die for me.  I am nowhere near perfect, but God's son is all that I could never be!

The blood brought freedom.
In chapter 12, we see God lay out the instructions for the Passover.  He tells the people to sacrifice a lamb, and place the blood on their doorposts.  When God sees the blood on their doorposts, he will pass over them, bringing their salvation.  When you and I accept Jesus into our hearts, his blood that he shed on the cross covers all of our sins.  His blood is symbolically placed on our "doorposts," and our lives are spared.  Because of him, we are promised eternity in heaven and not in hell.  

Today, stop and thank God for sending his only Son to die for you.  Remember that it is only through him that you have freedom.  Without Jesus, you would still be a slave to sin.  But whoever the Son sets free is FREE INDEED! (John 8:36)


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