

Prime Day 7

Exodus 14:14
14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Read Exodus 13 & 14

The Hebrews were unique people, and they were about to embark on a unique journey. Instead of guiding the Israelites along the direct route from Egypt to the Promised Land, he took them by a longer route so they could avoid fighting with the Philistines. From their point of view, the journey seemed much longer and unnecessary but to God it was all part of his plan...


In Chapter 13 we read about The Festival of Unleavened Bread. This marked the Hebrews as unique people. Just as this festival marked the Hebrews, think about what marks you as a follower of Jesus. Think about how you act at school, in your community, treat your family, etc. I remember when I was in High School. I played on the tennis team and our motto was: "Leave a mark." At that time, I thought it was talking just about tennis but I have realized over the years that this statement carries over in our lives as well. You see, each day we have an opportunity to leave a mark on someone that we come in contact with. It is our choice on what type of mark we will leave. Make sure that each day we keep this on the forefront of our minds. Remember: people see our actions long before they hear our words. 

Wait, Wait, Wait.....

As Moses was leading the Israelites, I'm sure he was scared and unsure of himself. So, like most of us would do, he began praying to God for help and guidance. God told Moses to stop praying and get moving! You see, prayer deserves a very important place in our lives. Prayer is our connection with God and without it we can often times feel lost. However, we do spend our time in prayer and God gives us what we should do but we are afraid, or don't know if we can do it. We would rather postpone doing it than rather trusting God and failing. I hear of people all the time that are out of a job and are in desperate need of work. I ask them: "You found a job yet?" There response is always the same: "Just waiting on God to show me something." Yes, I totally believe that we need to go to God in prayer and ask him what he wants for our lives but sometimes God might be saying to you: "I've already told you what to do now go out and do it!" You will never get a job if you sit on your couch waiting on someone to call you. You've got to go get it and it's the same with God. Maybe you know what God wants you to do concerning a certain situation but you are afraid. Don't just sit on the sideline. Get moving and take action toward what God wants you to do today! 


Take time today and thank God for leading you and walking right beside you. Remember that he promises never to leave you or forsake you. So when you feel all alone, he is right there. Also, ask God to help you know when to get up and make a move. Whether it's leading a class or speaking to someone new, ask God to give you the courage each day not just to wait but move when he gives you your answer! 

                                                                                                                            - Trey 

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