
PRIME- Day 12

"Do not join a crowd that intends to do evil. When you are on the witness stand, do not be swayed in your testimony by the opinion of the majority." -Exodus 23:2

Read Exodus 23 & 24

What about them?!
As we begin looking in Exodus 23, we see The Lord giving instructions on how to live your life. Simple instructions but many times they can be so difficult to follow. At the beginning of the chapter he instructs the people not to gossip or join others who are doing things that aren't pleasing to him. How many times have we all found ourselves talking about something or someone that we know we shouldn't? It's easy to do and the devil knows that. He would rather us worry about others and all their failures than work on our own problems. However, that is why The Lord gave us instructions. He knew that it would be difficult in all our lives. If we will focus on fixing ourselves then we won't have time to worry about others. I am so thankful that God gave us guidelines so we didn't have to face these difficulties without help. Remember that whatever you are facing, God already has a set of instructions for you to follow.

How many of us have a hard time obeying? I remember when I lived at home and I hated obeying what my parents told me to do. I thought they didn't know what they were talking about and they were being ridiculous. However, as I've gotten older, I've realized that my parents were pretty much right most of the time. You see at first, the people questioned God. They didn't really buy in to what he was telling Moses. In Chapter 24 we see a change of heart in the people. They weren't questioning him nor Moses anymore. They were all on board. They has seen what he had done and quickly realized he was the man with the plan. For most of us, we know what we need to do but we just choose not to obey. Don't go through life doing your own thing and ignoring what God is trying to get you to do. Obey him today. Maybe he wants you to step up in our Youth Group, start a bible study, spend more time with him or involve yourself with different surroundings. Whatever it is for you I pray you will obey God today and follow his plans for your life. Don't go through self-inflicted hard times because you chose not to obey.

Ask God to show you what areas in your life you need to work on. When he shows you, and he will, follow his plan. It might not be what you thought it would be or the easiest thing to do but just remember he knows best. When we obey him and follow his plans for our lives everything seems to fall into place. So thankful he knows what we need before we even know we need it!

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