

Read 39 & 40

So as I am writing this I am feeling like my good friend Jonah. The lord wanted me to write the blog earlier in the week, but I felt like I didn’t have time and basically I just didn’t feel like doing it.  So now it seems like I will be writing this from the belly of a whale. I tried to run, but that got me nowhere. So lets dig in to Exodus 39 and 40.  Starting with 39 I will be honest it started off kind of boring until I started digging into it. 

Chapter 39 begins talking about the garments of the priest. It gives great detail on how each one of these garments were made and we are able to see the beauty in each piece.  As I began reading, I couldn’t help but think about  how much detail and time God put into creating each and every one of us. However, we tend to forget or many times don’t take the time to look at the detail that God put into his creation. As we read on through this chapter starting in verse 32, it begins to talk about the tabernacle that Moses was instructed to create. When I began to look at this I started to see how the tabernacle was a emblem of Jesus. The tabernacle was not just a place it was also a place inside their hearts were the Lord would reside. The tabernacle was a symbol of every real Christian. In the heart of every follower the Father dwells.

So looking at chapter 40 it talks about how the tabernacle is erected. The beginning of the chapter talks a lot about when it should be done. Its worth reading, but I want to spend our time looking at the end of the chapter. The verse that really stuck out to me was verse 34. “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” That was extremely powerful to me, because it reminded so much of worship song I used to sing about becoming living sanctuary. That needs to be my goal every day is to be a living tabernacle and the glory of God fill me everyday. It talks about the cloud that covered the tabernacle so people would know that the Lord was there. When the cloud would move they would follow. That is something that really hit home for me. I need to realize when the lord wants me to move and follow his plan even if I am comfortable right where I am.

So this week, ask yourself: “What are some details in my life that I often overlook?” Thank God for taking time to make you and your situation just right for you. I also want you to look at yourselves as a tabernacle the Lord presence fills and to go with his plan and not your own. 


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