

Read 39 & 40

So as I am writing this I am feeling like my good friend Jonah. The lord wanted me to write the blog earlier in the week, but I felt like I didn’t have time and basically I just didn’t feel like doing it.  So now it seems like I will be writing this from the belly of a whale. I tried to run, but that got me nowhere. So lets dig in to Exodus 39 and 40.  Starting with 39 I will be honest it started off kind of boring until I started digging into it. 

Chapter 39 begins talking about the garments of the priest. It gives great detail on how each one of these garments were made and we are able to see the beauty in each piece.  As I began reading, I couldn’t help but think about  how much detail and time God put into creating each and every one of us. However, we tend to forget or many times don’t take the time to look at the detail that God put into his creation. As we read on through this chapter starting in verse 32, it begins to talk about the tabernacle that Moses was instructed to create. When I began to look at this I started to see how the tabernacle was a emblem of Jesus. The tabernacle was not just a place it was also a place inside their hearts were the Lord would reside. The tabernacle was a symbol of every real Christian. In the heart of every follower the Father dwells.

So looking at chapter 40 it talks about how the tabernacle is erected. The beginning of the chapter talks a lot about when it should be done. Its worth reading, but I want to spend our time looking at the end of the chapter. The verse that really stuck out to me was verse 34. “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” That was extremely powerful to me, because it reminded so much of worship song I used to sing about becoming living sanctuary. That needs to be my goal every day is to be a living tabernacle and the glory of God fill me everyday. It talks about the cloud that covered the tabernacle so people would know that the Lord was there. When the cloud would move they would follow. That is something that really hit home for me. I need to realize when the lord wants me to move and follow his plan even if I am comfortable right where I am.

So this week, ask yourself: “What are some details in my life that I often overlook?” Thank God for taking time to make you and your situation just right for you. I also want you to look at yourselves as a tabernacle the Lord presence fills and to go with his plan and not your own. 



PRIME - Day 19

Read Chapters 37 & 38

Like the previous chapters, we again are bombarded with details! Do you think God was trying to make a point? Just curious...

Here are a few things that I noticed:

1) In Chapter 37, where God give instructs on how to build the Ark of the Covenant (which held the stones that had the 10 commandments on them, AKA really important box), we see a repeating pattern of a certain type of metal used...gold. Of course we can easily figure out that gold was used because the container was holding one of the most precious pieces of the Old Testament. Aside from this made me think, how often do we use our best resources for the glory of God? How often do we give our precious time up to serve others, draw closer to God through prayer, or read the bible?

2) In all the meticulous details, there was order. Sometimes we can complain that we have to obey rules, listen to authorities, and abide by the laws but this goes back to the very beginning. What would have happened if all of the people under Moses decided they didn't want to build the altar in chapter 38? Do you think God's plan would have been fulfilled? Things would have gone crazy!

I saw a recent trend on twitter #IfThePurgeWasReal , talking about the new movie out called The Purge where crime is legal for 24 hours in the United States. Can you imagine if that was really allowed? When you think of extreme bases like that, it makes you thankful for order and authority!

Its important to remember that God has placed order and authority in our lives today, just like he did back when Moses was leading the Israelites, to protect us and not to limit our potential.



PRIME- Day 17


14 The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” - Exodus 33:14

Exodus 33 & 34

Wow! The Lord sent down some pretty harsh words to the Israelites. The Lord said that they were so hard headed that he couldn't stand to be with them during the journey. It's crazy to think that someone could be that hard headed. I know there have been many times in my life that I have been hard headed and stubborn. I thought my way was the best way and I didn't care what others thought. Over the years, I've realized that my way isn't always best. Listening to others and taking advice from people who love and care about you has the potential to help you. Wilson Mizner said "To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it."
To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it. - See more at: http://www.lorensworld.com/life-work/taking-advice-from-others-quotes-to-remember/#sthash.lPGj2Fmw.dpuf
To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it. - See more at: http://www.lorensworld.com/life-work/taking-advice-from-others-quotes-to-remember/#sthash.lPGj2Fmw.dpuf

In Exodus 33:13, Moses prayed to God asking him to reveal his ways to him. Moses had a intimate knowledge of God...yet he prays "please show me your ways." If Moses realized he hadn't arrived, it probably means we haven't either. Throughout history and the bible, the best leaders are life-long learners. As we continue to learn, we must pray with humility that God will guide us only as he can. Some of the best spiritual leaders lead out of the overflow of what God is teaching them. Make sure that your cup is overflowing onto others lives each day.

Exodus 34:6 says that the Lord passed right in front of Moses. Yes, it was obvious that Moses knew it was the Lord but how many times has he done things in front of us but yet we don't see it? Maybe it is because it isn't the answer we are looking for or what we want. We pray "God I need you to help me in this certain area of my life. Show me your plan." It sounds great but there is only one problem. Many times, we aren't that concerned with "his" plan. We worry more about "our" plan and what we want for our lives. Make sure that no matter what God is trying to do that we are open to his plan. Let us not be so narrow minded that we don't see what God is doing in our lives.

Today, ask God to teach us humility. When we humble ourselves, God is able to use our talents, our testimony and our treasure for him. Our prayer should be just like Moses "please show me your ways." Also, no matter what we are praying for in our lives, make sure that we are looking for what he trying to show us. Not necessarily what we want for our lives but what he wants for us. His will rather than ours be done.



PRIME - Day 16

Read Exodus 31 & 32

(You think Moses really looked like this?)

I don't even know where to start.  Moses is still up on the mountain, just listening to God.  Great things can happen when you get alone and listen to what God has to say.  I know that sometimes I need to just shut up and let God speak, which is what Moses did up on Mt. Sinai.  These two chapters of Exodus are absolutely packed full of great and challenging verses, and the only thing I know to do is break it down section by section.  

Ex. 31:1-11
You have been given gifts by God.  Isn't that an amazing thought?  God has actually placed gifts within you to do great things for Him!  God tells Moses that he has already planned for these guys, Bezalel and Oholiab to be expert craftsmen in completing all of the tasks God has asked the people to do.  Apart from their crazy names, these guys were extremely talented.  But, I bet you've never heard of them before!  God has certain gifts that he gives each of us, but not all of us are called to be the "Moses" - the leader who gets all of the attention.  Some of us are to work behind the scenes, but that does not mean our jobs are any less important.  Whatever God has gifted you to do - you need to be using that gift for Him.  If you don't know what your gift is, then you need to pray that God would reveal it to you, so that you can get to work!

Ex. 31:12-18
The Sabbath Day.  This is something you don't hear much about anymore, but I think it's something that is vitally important to our Christian faith.  If God rested after the 6 days of creation, don't you think it's important that we take time to rest.  He says, "It is given so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy" (v. 13).  A sabbath is a time to spend resting in God, and we all need times where we completely rest in God - like a child climbing into his mother's arms.  We need to curl up with God and allow him to care for us. Many people treat Sunday as their sabbath, and they go to church and spend time thinking about God.  That's great. It's something we should all do.  Whether it's Sunday or some other time, we all need a sabbath.

Ex. 32
I mentioned earlier that Moses was still up on the mountain.  (I guess as long as God felt like hanging out, he was going to stay!)  By this time, the people were growing impatient.  I can imagine the things that went through their heads:  "Did Moses die? Where is he? Did he leave us behind? This whole God thing must have been a lie!  He left us down here to be eaten by wild animals!  I never liked him in the first place! We should've stayed in Egypt!  The people grew impatient.  They decided to turn to other things.  And that's often what we do.  When God doesn't do what we want, when we want it, we tend to turn to other things for satisfaction.  As we can see, the people turned elsewhere for satisfaction, and it got them in some trouble.  We learn that thousands of them even died for their disobedience to God.  We have to remember that God will always come through right when we need it.  Let's not get impatient and turn to other things.  Let's trust Him always.

See.  I told you.  This just scratches the surface of what we can learn in Exodus 31 and 32.  Dig into it for yourself.  God has something to teach you if you'll take the time, like Moses, to listen.



PRIME - Day 15

Read Exodus 29 & 30

Exodus chapters 29-30 are once again full of God's specific instructions to the Israelites.  Since He had just finished instructing them on how to build the place of worship,  He was now giving them specific instructions on how to use it, and boy were they shocking!

These ritualistic sacrifices were done in such a way that make it hard to go into detail about them without making you want to skip lunch!
The things that God required to cover the sins of His people were simply horrifying. Not only were they to perform such sacrificial killings of animals but the instructions also required that they make quite a mess with it, even applying blood to themselves! (Chp. 29 vs. 19-21)

I know what your thinking..."Nnnnahhh Jack!"

The ability to come close to God after sin and death entered the world came at great expense. Not only that but these actions were to repeated regularly to make payment for the sins that the people constantly committed. That's exactly why these two chapters should give us reason to smile and be thankful, (right after our stomachs settle of course! :)

"God demonstrated His love for us, in that while we where still sinners Christ died for us."  (Romans 5:8) Because of this we don't have to bear these responsibilities anymore.  Jesus became everything that was required to wash away our sins and debts towards God once and for all.  Never again would it be our responsibility to make atonement for our own sins.  All we have to do now is place our trust in Christ and live everyday in response to the great price that he paid for us.



PRIME - Day 14

Read Exodus 27 & 28

Woah. You're probably thinking...how detailed can you get? Yesterday we read Exodus 25 & 26 which was also full of details for how to build the tabernacle. Chapter 27 picks right up giving ornate details as to how to build the altar and flows right into chapter 28 which explains and gives instructions on how to make clothes for the priests. In all of this detailed instruction, there were a few things that stood out to me.

1.) The behind the scenes workers were just as important as the priests. 
Check out chapter 28 verse 3, "Instruct all those who have special skills as tailors to make the garments that will set Aaron apart from everyone else, so he may serve me as a priest." Even though the tailors that made Aaron's garments weren't going before God, they were instructed to take special care and great pride in their job because it enabled Aaron to lead as God wanted him to. Sometimes I can feel overlooked or unappreciated because I'm not on a stage preaching or leading some worldwide movement to reach others for Christ but God reminds me that my job is just as vital as those who are in the limelight. Don't back yourself in a corner just because you aren't the leader, many leaders couldn't function without those working behind the scenes.

2.) If God took such great care and meticulous construction in having the tabernacle made, how much more did he work to create us?
After reading both chapters today, I was completely overwhelmed by the detail in which the tabernacle was constructed. Nothing was left to be questioned. Nothing was made by accident. Nothing was made up as they went. Everything was well thought out and planned ahead of time. The same, and even more, is true for us. We weren't made by accident or thrown haphazardly together last minute like a science fair project. God loves us and put a lot of thought into making us.



PRIME - Day 13

Details... details... details!

That pretty much sums up today's chapters. Wow! How could all these details possibly mean anything to us?

Obviously, God had some specific instructions on how He wanted Moses to construct the objects that would symbolize His presence and Glory amongst the Israelite  people. Although we may not understand all the specifics of the proposed building project, I believe that through them we catch a glimpse of one of God's most amazing attributes... His Creativity!

Creative Genius...

Just think about all the things that God has created. I mean its pretty much... EVERYTHING!  Just think about being the one who first conceived water, air, the sun, the moon, animals, people, etc.  Not only did He create these things and many more, but he had a specific purpose and plan for everything to affect the other.  I can hear the Lion King "Circle of Life" song in my head now! It's hard to fathom that kind of creativity and genius.

That's what's so cool (and overwhelming) about Exodus 25-26. We see God actually communicating these creative details to people.  We notice that He doesn't just say, "build me a box for my stuff and a room to Worship me in," he gives a clear blueprint for the build.

God isn't just specific about those things only. We can know for sure that since God created us, He has just as specific of a plan for our lives. It's all mapped out.  No surprises for Him. He knows the details and wants to reveal more of them to us everyday. So now that we are convinced that God is definitely into details, are you willing to continue trusting Him with yours?



PRIME - Day 11


Exodus 22:31 - "You must be my holy people."

At first glance, these two chapters in Exodus look like they could never apply to our lives or current situations.  But upon closer look, if we look at the bigger picture, we can really learn something from God's commands to his people.  

We have to realize that cultures during this time were absolutely brutal.  There were no laws, no rules, and no regulations.  People just did their own thing.  If they felt like killing someone - they would kill them.  If they felt like taking someone else's property, they would take it.  It was an extremely chaotic time to live in.  

With this in mind, God wanted his people to be different.  So, not only did he give them the ten commandments, but he also began listing other commands for the people to follow.  There would be a visible difference between those who belonged to God and those who didn't.  

So don't focus on all the rules when you read these chapters.  God's motives weren't to make up rules just because.  But he wanted his people to be SET APART.  Not only that, but he knew that the people would soon realize that it was impossible to keep all the rules - magnifying their need for a perfect savior - who would come into the world to replace the old system.  (That's Jesus, by the way.)  I'm thankful that there's forgiveness in Jesus when I can't keep all the rules.

So, Are you set apart?


PRIME- Day 12

"Do not join a crowd that intends to do evil. When you are on the witness stand, do not be swayed in your testimony by the opinion of the majority." -Exodus 23:2

Read Exodus 23 & 24

What about them?!
As we begin looking in Exodus 23, we see The Lord giving instructions on how to live your life. Simple instructions but many times they can be so difficult to follow. At the beginning of the chapter he instructs the people not to gossip or join others who are doing things that aren't pleasing to him. How many times have we all found ourselves talking about something or someone that we know we shouldn't? It's easy to do and the devil knows that. He would rather us worry about others and all their failures than work on our own problems. However, that is why The Lord gave us instructions. He knew that it would be difficult in all our lives. If we will focus on fixing ourselves then we won't have time to worry about others. I am so thankful that God gave us guidelines so we didn't have to face these difficulties without help. Remember that whatever you are facing, God already has a set of instructions for you to follow.

How many of us have a hard time obeying? I remember when I lived at home and I hated obeying what my parents told me to do. I thought they didn't know what they were talking about and they were being ridiculous. However, as I've gotten older, I've realized that my parents were pretty much right most of the time. You see at first, the people questioned God. They didn't really buy in to what he was telling Moses. In Chapter 24 we see a change of heart in the people. They weren't questioning him nor Moses anymore. They were all on board. They has seen what he had done and quickly realized he was the man with the plan. For most of us, we know what we need to do but we just choose not to obey. Don't go through life doing your own thing and ignoring what God is trying to get you to do. Obey him today. Maybe he wants you to step up in our Youth Group, start a bible study, spend more time with him or involve yourself with different surroundings. Whatever it is for you I pray you will obey God today and follow his plans for your life. Don't go through self-inflicted hard times because you chose not to obey.

Ask God to show you what areas in your life you need to work on. When he shows you, and he will, follow his plan. It might not be what you thought it would be or the easiest thing to do but just remember he knows best. When we obey him and follow his plans for our lives everything seems to fall into place. So thankful he knows what we need before we even know we need it!

                                                                                                                                  - Trey


PRIME - Day 10

Read Exodus 19 & 20.

In chapter 19 the Israelites settle at the base of Mt. Sinai. Moses climbs the mountain to hear from the Lord about what he should do next. God instructs Moses to tell the Israelites in verses 4-5 "you have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I brought you to myself and carried you on eagle's wings. Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the nations of the earth; for all the earth belongs to me."

The Israelites response to God in verse 8 is how any of us would respond: "They all responded together, "We will certainly do everything the Lord asks of us." So Moses brought the people's answer back to the Lord."

When the Israelites were having to travel and trust that Moses was appointed by God to help them they often complained about what they were having to do, yet time and time again God provided for them. Now that they are being offered rewards for obedience of course they answer with a "certainly we will do everything the Lord asks of us." As Christians, I feel like many times it's easy for us to obey God when we know there is an obvious blessing or reward in return.

But what about when God asks us to obey Him when there isn't an obvious blessing or reward in return? Do we easily choose to be obedient or do we often try to bargain with God as if his commands are up for negotiation?

In chapter 20 God instructs the people in how to live in obedience to Him. These are what we know as the Ten Commandments (verses 2-17). The Israelites were in awe and fear as God spoke directly to them. In verse 20 Moses says, "Don't be afraid, for God has come in this way to show you his awesome power. From now on, let your fear of him keep you from sinning!" Could you imagine being one of the crowd members trying to take it all in? Surely the Israelites would straighten up and stop sinning, especially after such an encounter with God.

Let's dig together into the next chapters to find out how the Israelites respond...



PRIME - Day 9

Read Exodus 17 & 18.

In chapter 17, we again read of God's faithfulness to the grumbling Israelites. It's as if their current problem has caused temporary amnesia to the times when God has provided for them before. Not just in small ways, but in miraculous ways! The Israelites are blinded by their current problem, (no water and they are pretty thirsty), and all they can seem to do is complain about it to Moses. God commands Moses to strike a rock and water comes gushing out for the Israelites to drink...yet another miracle proving God's power and love for his people.

I thought it was pretty interesting that Moses was commanded to perform this miracle with the very same shepherd's staff that he used when he turned the Nile into blood. And after this miracle, he uses the same staff to help Joshua and his troops beat the Amalek army (verses 11-13). This made me think...

God has already given us the tools we need to carry out His will in our lives.

In chapter 18, we read about Jethro (Moses' father-in-law) visiting Moses and encouraging him. Verse 9 says, "Jethro was delighted when he heard about all that the Lord had done for Israel as he brought them out of Egypt." Jethro was no doubt swelling with pride as he heard of how Moses was being used by God. Not only was Jethro there to encourage Moses, he also found out what all Moses was having to do by himself and wisely told Moses in verse 18 "You're going to wear yourself out - and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself".

How often have you felt worn out with a heavy burden or responsibility?

Jethro tells Moses to appoint judges over groups of men to help carry the load and make the task easier for him. Sometimes we need people to lovingly put their arm around us and say, "you are doing too much, breathe and ask for help." If you are trying to do too much on your own remember that the burden was not meant for you to carry alone. Matthew 11:29-30 says, "Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” 



PRIME - Day 8

PRIME - Day 8

Read Exodus 15 & 16

These two chapters follow the Israelites journey through the wilderness after God totally delivered them from the Egyptians by drowning Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea.  Chapter 15 is mostly comprised of the song that Moses and Miriam (Aaron's sister) chanted as they celebrated the great deliverance God had given them.  It's a song that declares God's strength and faithfulness to defend His people, and for a while the Israelites were riding high with emotions because of what God did for them right before their very eyes.

In typical fashion though, we see the Israelites getting back to their old ways of griping and complaining.  Near the end of the chapter, we see the Israelites upset after wandering in the desert for 3 days without finding any water. When they finally came across water, they couldn't drink it because it was bitter.  I guess parting and entire Red Sea wasn't enough for them to trust that God knows what He's doing when it comes to water.  Once again, God shows His faithfulness in spite of their faithlessness.  After Moses prayed, God instructed him to throw a stick into the water and as soon as he did the water became sweet and fit to drink.

As aggravating as these Israelites seem to be it's as if these events took place in order to cry out to every generation, "God hasn't brought you this far to leave you for dead!"

That's exactly what we see throughout chapter 16.  Once again we see the Israelites in need and beginning to grumble.  This time they want food.  It's obvious they weren't too optimistic about finding any in the middle of the desert.  Instead of praying and trusting God to provide as He already had, they began to complain again.  This time God had a plan to provide for them and teach them to trust Him everyday.  He instructed Moses on what He would do and what He expected the people to do as well.  He said he would provide two things for food:

1.  Meat in the evening

2.  Bread in the morning.

He told Moses that the people were to only gather what they needed for each day (about 3lbs of bread).  No leftovers!  He wanted them to learn to look to Him everyday for what they needed.

As promised the birds flew in that evening and the people were able to eat their meat.  The next morning there was thin flaky bread covering the ground that tasted like sweet honey.  God was faithful to His Word.  Still the Israelites didn't follow directions and tried to store up the food only to find it rotten by the next day.

This is how life is designed to work.  Looking to God everyday for his provision and listening carefully to his instructions.  His Word paints a clear picture to us that He has not brought us this far to leave us all alone.  He is prepared and willing to provide for us the things we need  and rain down His blessings when we follow Him closely.




Prime Day 7

Exodus 14:14
14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Read Exodus 13 & 14

The Hebrews were unique people, and they were about to embark on a unique journey. Instead of guiding the Israelites along the direct route from Egypt to the Promised Land, he took them by a longer route so they could avoid fighting with the Philistines. From their point of view, the journey seemed much longer and unnecessary but to God it was all part of his plan...


In Chapter 13 we read about The Festival of Unleavened Bread. This marked the Hebrews as unique people. Just as this festival marked the Hebrews, think about what marks you as a follower of Jesus. Think about how you act at school, in your community, treat your family, etc. I remember when I was in High School. I played on the tennis team and our motto was: "Leave a mark." At that time, I thought it was talking just about tennis but I have realized over the years that this statement carries over in our lives as well. You see, each day we have an opportunity to leave a mark on someone that we come in contact with. It is our choice on what type of mark we will leave. Make sure that each day we keep this on the forefront of our minds. Remember: people see our actions long before they hear our words. 

Wait, Wait, Wait.....

As Moses was leading the Israelites, I'm sure he was scared and unsure of himself. So, like most of us would do, he began praying to God for help and guidance. God told Moses to stop praying and get moving! You see, prayer deserves a very important place in our lives. Prayer is our connection with God and without it we can often times feel lost. However, we do spend our time in prayer and God gives us what we should do but we are afraid, or don't know if we can do it. We would rather postpone doing it than rather trusting God and failing. I hear of people all the time that are out of a job and are in desperate need of work. I ask them: "You found a job yet?" There response is always the same: "Just waiting on God to show me something." Yes, I totally believe that we need to go to God in prayer and ask him what he wants for our lives but sometimes God might be saying to you: "I've already told you what to do now go out and do it!" You will never get a job if you sit on your couch waiting on someone to call you. You've got to go get it and it's the same with God. Maybe you know what God wants you to do concerning a certain situation but you are afraid. Don't just sit on the sideline. Get moving and take action toward what God wants you to do today! 


Take time today and thank God for leading you and walking right beside you. Remember that he promises never to leave you or forsake you. So when you feel all alone, he is right there. Also, ask God to help you know when to get up and make a move. Whether it's leading a class or speaking to someone new, ask God to give you the courage each day not just to wait but move when he gives you your answer! 

                                                                                                                            - Trey 


PRIME - Day 6

"When I see the blood, I will pass over you." - Exodus 12:13


This is one of the most sobering sections in all of the Bible.  But it is also one of the most hopeful.  In Exodus 11 and 12, we read about the final escape from Egypt by Moses and the Israelites, and this is no ordinary escape from captivity...

God tried to get his attention.
You've already read the previous chapters, and you already know about the plagues God used in an attempt to get Pharaoh's attention.  Even after the frogs, and the gnats, and the bloody water, Pharaoh's heart was still hard toward the Lord.  It would take something drastic to get his attention - something we could never imagine.  I pray that you and I never have an attitude of defiance toward God, because he will do whatever it takes to get our attention.  God wants our whole heart - not because he's mean or cruel, but because he wants what's best for us.  A person who is completely committed to God will always have joy.  

The firstborn had to die.
In order for God to get Pharaoh's attention, and in order for salvation to come to the people of Israel, the firstborn had to die.  This is a direct foreshadowing of God's first born son - Jesus Christ - dying for you and me.  Nothing else had brought freedom for the people.  Nothing had gotten Pharaoh's attention.  There was only one thing that could buy freedom for all of the people that God loved so dearly.  I'm so thankful that God sent his perfect, sinless son to die for me.  I am nowhere near perfect, but God's son is all that I could never be!

The blood brought freedom.
In chapter 12, we see God lay out the instructions for the Passover.  He tells the people to sacrifice a lamb, and place the blood on their doorposts.  When God sees the blood on their doorposts, he will pass over them, bringing their salvation.  When you and I accept Jesus into our hearts, his blood that he shed on the cross covers all of our sins.  His blood is symbolically placed on our "doorposts," and our lives are spared.  Because of him, we are promised eternity in heaven and not in hell.  

Today, stop and thank God for sending his only Son to die for you.  Remember that it is only through him that you have freedom.  Without Jesus, you would still be a slave to sin.  But whoever the Son sets free is FREE INDEED! (John 8:36)



PRIME - Day 5


Read Exodus 9 & 10

In Exodus 9 and 10 we find Pharaoh continuing to be consumed with stubbornness and pride. I'm sure everyone who reads these chapter says, "I would never be like Pharaoh" or "I would have listened by the second time." I find myself thinking and saying the very same things while reading. However, I find myself in Pharaoh's situation sometimes. Does The Lord send locusts and boils into my life? No. But he does allow other unwanted situations to occur.
 I finally stopped judging the Pharaoh for his actions, and really thought about what I could learn from his situations. He decided to get a really strong grip and endure the roller coaster ride he was on instead of trusting God and believing in Him. He thought he could just hold on tight until the ride was over and then go right back to his regular routine. How many times have you done this? I know I have several times. I think to myself, "oh I've got this. I can make it through this one little rough patch on my own."

The problem with this thought process is that you are not seeking God. No matter how big or small the situation, God wants us to call on Him and seek Him. If we begin going through situations alone, we may end up like the Pharaoh with our situations getting worse and worse. All the time God will be wanting us to just believe He can handle any of our situations.
 I encourage you to take every situation to God. Don't simply say, "oh it's just blood, or frogs, or gnats; this isn't so bad. I can do this one on my own." You never want to get farther from God. Chances are you have a really good friend that you talk to about things in your life, no matter how big or small. The same thing needs to happen in your relationship with God. Never try to make it through on your own. Call on God and you will encounter strength in your situation that you never could've had on your own.
Remember Psalms 121:1-3 says our help comes from the Lord!! Take comfort in knowing we never have to do it on our own!

- Brittany


PRIME - Day 4


Read Exodus 7 & 8

After reading these two chapters, we see the Pharaoh's stubbornness against the Lord. Moses and Aaron are sent by God to demand that the Pharaoh allow the Israelites to leave Egypt and  they must perform various miracles to prove that God is real and serious. These miracles include turning a staff into a snake (ew), turning the Nile River into blood, sending frogs, gnats, and flies! In my own personal life, the first miracle would have been enough to prove that these two men were indeed sent by God, but the Pharaoh wasn't so easily convinced. This made me think...

How often do we question God's sovereignty and authority with a "prove-it" attitude?

Many times I find myself questioning God's plan, as if He doesn't have my best interest in mind. Surely Egypt's Pharaoh was angry and frustrated that God (through Moses and Aaron) would demand he let the Israelites go, it seemed like the perfect plan to have them as slaves to do all of the work. How many times have you been resistant to God's plan because it doesn't make sense? 

The whole time I was reading these two chapters I was thinking, "seriously, the Pharaoh is an idiot." Then I caught myself, I am guilty of the same thing! When God throws me a curve ball that I wasn't expecting I tend to go with the flow with a less than enthusiastic attitude to say the least. It's not my job to question God's plan, it's my job to trust His heart. Even when things don't make sense or happen like I think they should, I need to remind myself that "...God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28)
